Appendix C.3 (Licensing Authority Appendix C)




171 Church Road




Our Ref:

Your Ref:




Foreign Labelled

07974 300623



Dear Tony Gad


Food Information (England) Regulations 2014

Food Safety Act 1990


I am writing to you following my colleague Donna Lynsdale’s visits on 11 August 2021 where she has found foreign labelled food. She has advised you on numerous occasions regarding the law and that the mandatory food information must be provided in the language easily understood by the consumers of the country where the food is marketed. Therefore, all food sold in your shop should be labelled in English. Without English labelling arguably your food could be deemed unsafe as any allergen information will not be in English and legible to the consumer.


After careful consideration of the evidence, I am satisfied that we would be able to prove the offences.  However, I do not believe that it would be in the public interest to pursue this matter through the courts. I propose therefore to deal with this matter by way of a formal warning. I must therefore advise you that your activities will be monitored and if similar activity is discovered a similar decision may not be taken in the future.


Please contact me on 01273 292491 / 07795 336194 if you need any assistance or further information about complying with the legislation.


Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Yours sincerely 



Senior Fair Trading Officer



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